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Introducing Tube Mastery and Monetization


Tube Mastery and Monetization teaches how to start, grow, and monetize a hyper-profitable YouTube channel from complete scratch. 

 It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any tech skills or any previous business experience. Everything you need to know is provided step-by-step in this training program.

“How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them”


Who is Matt Parr ?

Matt Par runs 9 different YouTube channels, has earned the gold play button from YouTube for reaching 1 million subscribers on a channel and multiple silver play buttons for hitting 100,000 subscribers on multiple other channels. Despite this success, it wasn’t always like this.
In fact just a couple of years ago, Matt was a completely broke high school student who had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. He hated going to school everyday and questioned if the meaning of life was to go to college and get stuck in a 9-5 job.

“Matt says this was a really dark period of his life, but amongst all of this he knew one thing. He knew that he didn’t want to work in a 9-5 job for the rest of his life.” And he knew this was possible because he saw people on YouTube making full-time incomes, being able to travel the world, and live their dream life.
At the age of 14, Matt decided to create another YouTube channel after seeing the success of channels making “top 10” videos.
He made dozens of videos without any luck, when one of his videos went viral out of nowhere getting over 100,000 views in just a week. Matt showed everyone on his school bus that day and from then on, he made it his mission to learn as much as he could about YouTube.

Matt had a YouTube channel at the time and would just upload videos with his friends and backyard stunts. He would be lucky if a video got 10 views.
At this point, he discovered that you could place ads on your YouTube videos and when he did, he began making more money than all of his friends overnight. This is when he realized he could make a real business out of YouTube.
Matt decided to put school on the back burner and put all of his focus into YouTube instead. As a result, his parents and teachers were less than thrilled, but Matt was determined to reach 100,000 subscribers on one of his channels.
Not only did he reach 100,000 subscribers, but at the age of 16 he was making an average of $9,000 a month from his channel, but it wasn’t all good. He was beginning to burn out from the amount of work he was putting into his channel and the increasing demands of high school.
Matt knew he had to outsource the work. Matt made what he called a video creation machine, where he hired other people to make the video scripts, do voice overs, edit the videos, and make the thumbnails. It was a success. Because of all the free time he had, he was able to re invest his profits into starting more YouTube channels.
Today, Matt Par runs 9 different YouTube channels, makes an average of $30,000 a month from ad revenue alone, and the only work he does on them is uploading and optimizing the videos.
He has multiple YouTube channels with over 100,000 subscribers and has one channel with over 1 million subscribers. Because of this, he has received multiple silver and gold play button awards from YouTube. Because of his YouTube success, Matt was able to buy his dream car and travel the world while running his YouTube operation.
Matt has never had to work a traditional 9 to 5 job, and because of this he is making it his goal to help as many other people as possible do the same. He started teaching his strategies to his friends and family, and when they started seeing results he knew what he was offering was valuable.
Now, Matt is helping countless others do the same. If you want to discover his strategies for growing hyper profitable YouTube channels from scratch, check out his free training that he put together below.

How people make money off YouTube

Before we delve into the intricacies of the Tube Mastery and Monetization, let us see some of the proven ways that you can make money from this social network and video-sharing website.

If you check the list of the most successful people from YouTube, you’ll realize that many of them have their channels. As you must have a channel, you don’t need to have millions of subscribers before you can start making money. The amount that you can earn from this website isn’t dependent on that number or even how many views the videos accumulate. Some of the other important parameters include engagement, your niche, and revenue channels.

You should note that the list of t best earners isn’t solely made up of people that make their millions straight from YouTube. Most of them sell stuff on the channels and that forms a large chunk of their income. Many of them, first built up the channel or account, then they launched their merchandise.

So what does this imply? Well, it means that you must realize those that your channel will cater to. Just as the top earners, you must also build up your base before you think about selling any merchandise. You must identify a niche and milk that for all that it is worth. One of the things to look at when choosing the niche is the potential for sponsors. If you have brands looking for channels, then you can have a steady source of income from your channel.In Tube Mastery and Monetization, you will learn all of these and more. So, let us now have an in-depth review of the course and help you to determine whether it is the right one for you.

To help you get the best from it, this course is divided into different modules, with each module offering you something different but useful. As this course is for people of all skill levels, it starts from the beginner steps to the professional principles that strategies that can help anyone serious to start making a living off YouTube videos.

There is a Facebook Student Group that will help you to collaborate with other users and glean useful information from them. The course also has some useful bonuses like video script templates, and examples of useful niches.

Click Here to Get Started with Tube Mastery and Monetization Program

Module 1

This first module introduces you to the serious part of the course. Welcome! One of the important things that you must do, even before starting a channel, is to know your audience and what type of content you will produce.

One of the nuggets of wisdom offered includes choosing a profitable niche that you are passionate about. Since you might find it hard to decide on the niche to use, this section suggests some of the best niches available.

Module 2

In this module, you will discover some very useful tips on how to manage your channel. Before you click on that UPLOAD button, you have to sift through the videos that you have made and find just the right one. You should also determine how many you should upload. Does that seem like hard work? Well, it is hard work! Thankfully, though, there are tips in this module that focus on helping you.

You should then categorize the videos into those that will be popular in the niche and those that will reflect the most popular keywords.

Do you envisage having a hard time deciding which of the categories your videos will fall into? If so, do not fret. In this module, you get a thorough analysis of keywords and strategies that will certainly assist you.

Module 3

The third module will show you some of the best-kept secrets. It contains tips that you normally would not find in courses like this. So what does it reveal?

In the third module, you will receive tips on the best ways to shoot your videos for maximum engagement and views. You will learn the best editing techniques as well. If you are an absolute beginner, this is one of the best places that you can learn about video creation. By following the tips here, you will save time and money while improving your important metrics.

Module 4

The modules that we have considered above will indicate how to start the channel. From the fourth module, you will learn how to improve your views, subscribers; in short, you will learn the ways that have proven effective at helping channels to grow. If you are looking to go viral, then this is the module for you. Matt is qualified to teach you this because he has made scores of viral videos himself.

Module 5

All of the modules above are useful but do not forget, your goal is to get money from the channel. In this fifth module, you will receive information and tips on how to monetize your YouTube channel. However, Matt will show you even more effective ways of making money from the channel other than Ads.

Module 6

After the success of your first channel, you might be interested in scaling up. Well, that is what you will get from this module. Here, you will learn time-tested and proven ways of scaling your channels and growing. You will learn the best optimization methods and will eventually be able to quit your job and live a life of enjoyment from your proceeds.


For all this information, you will have to cough up $597. Now that is high. However, when you compare it to other courses like it and the benefits that you will get from it, then t price looks like an absolute bargain. It is a one-time payment as well.

One good thing is that you get your money back if within 60 days of your purchase , you decides that it isn’t for you.

Who should use it?

Well, this is great of amateurs and anyone looking to get into making YouTube videos and monetizing it. It also comes in useful for those that have been at the YouTube business for some time.

If you want to make money off this website, then you should consider this course. The focus is on how to grow your channels. If you already have a grown channel, this can help you with scaling it. If you are bent on affiliate marketing, you will find this course useful. However, the information about this aspect is limited so you might have to do more reading and research.


  • Easy to use

  • One-time payment

  • Great teaching methods


  • Just for YouTube

  • Initial outlay might prove very expensive


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